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These videos are speakers from the 2016 and 2017 TEDxYOUTH@DinosaurPark Events in Rapid City, South Dakota. Contact us at to ask us questions or learn how you can be involved with this year's event. Interested in speaking at a future event? Speaker applications are accepted on a rolling basis!
Alice Liou: "Disrupting the Invisible Ism"
Liliana Tamayo: "Indigenous Rising"
Nayana Rathmalgoda: "How to Save the Rhino"
Marcus Ruff: "The Creative Mind: Thoughts of a Poet"
Andres Gallardo: "The GEM Movement"
Tara Rose Weston: "Resilience: Turning Failure into Success"
Jared Narlock: "Finding Joy"
Marisa Snider: More Than 0.01%
Wiyaka Little Spotted Horse: "My Past, Your Future"
Elyssa Sierra Concha: "Native Youth Are More Than Statistics"
Khian Norby: "Rock of Confidence"
Regan Garcia: "Changing Identity, Changing World"
Amanda Hadden: "You Are More"
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